The Constitution & By laws.







We, the officers and members of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration helping hand outreach club of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, imploring the aid of Almighty God, build to extend ourselves in community of less-privilege that shall have the duties and responsibilities to ourselves, to the organization and to the school. To develop and conserve a well-rounded and vigorous unity that shall endeavor to promote and implement service for the benefit of the poor. A protect and glorify the name and honor to the organization, do and hereby obtain and promulgate this constitution and bylaws.



The name of the organization shall be Bachelor of Science in Business Administration helping hand.



The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration helping hand is a community extension service of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program.



The objectives for which the organization was formed are as follows:

(1) To stimulate the sensitivity and civic consciousness of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students;

(2) To encourage students to engage themselves in outreach activity which will hold them to become a servant leader in the future;

(3) To promote camaraderie among students and outreach clients;

(4) To promote spirit of cooperation, sensitivity and social responsibility; and

(5) To develop responsible students who are sensitive to human needs and oriented to service for the greater growth of the community.



All Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students are member of the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration helping hand, the officers and members are expected to participate and give their full cooperation in all the activities that will be implemented.


Officers and their terms

Section 1.

The organization shall have a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2.

All Officers shall be nominated and elected based on their passion in helping and out reaching themselves in community activities. They shall hold office for a term of one (1) year until the successor are duly elected and replace the officer.


The Advisers

Section 1.

The Chairperson of the department who is appointed by the President of the School will be the adviser of this organization.

Section 2.

The Adviser will facilitate the organization meeting as well as the upcoming activities of this organization.



The organization meeting shall be held every first (1st) Friday of the month at 9a.m. to 11a.m.

Section 1.

The meeting is called to discuss important matters and concern regarding the organization. All officers must always be present. The members likewise are expected to participate in the said meeting.

Section 2.

All of the officers must be updated in all the concerns raised in the organization.


Grounds for Suspension and Impeachment

The grounds for the suspension and impeachment will be based on the passive participation, delinquent and inefficiency of the officers and members of the organization.



This constitution may be amended at any regular or special meetings, provided of the organization by 2/3 or 66% votes of the members in good standing.



Duties of Officers

Section 1. The duties of the President are:

(1) To preside at regular and special meeting;

(2) To coordinate with the function of officers and committees set forth in the constitution;

(3) To see if the organization is conform with the policies set forth in the constitution and bylaws;

(4) To coordinate with the organization’s adviser and in the other organization for school activities and programs; and

(5) To submit regular evaluation annually in the implementation of programs.

Section 2. The duties of the Vice-President are:

(1) (1)To perform all the duties of the President of the organization in case of absences, incapacity or death; and

(2) (2)To assist the President of the organization in all the activities and programs and perform duties assign by the said higher rank leader.

Section 3. The duties of the Secretary are:

(1) To keep accurate and permanent written records in the organization’s meetings;

(2) To get the attendance of all the participants in any activities and programs;

(3) To jot down notes and important details in every meetings and be able to duplicate and distribute the minutes of the meeting; and

(4) To perform the duties assigned to her.

Section 3. The duties of the Treasurer are:

(1) To keep records, receipts and submit and accurate financial disbursements;

(2) To collect fee required by the organization;

(3) Organize amounts properly and present expenditure of organization’s activities and programs; and

(4) To certify the expenses and be able to submit complete statements to the President and Organization’s Adviser.



The voting procedures for officers will depend on the quorum.


Sources of funds

The source of funds of organization will be coming from the contributions of all Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students.

Business Program celebrate the feast of St. Justin de Jacobis

The Business Studies Program celebrates the feast of St. Justin de Jacobis last July 30 2009. The long-day activities started w

ith a Eucharistic celebration held at the school chapel. Various activities took place after the mass. Part was the blessing of St. Justin de Jacobis Business center blessing, Exhibit of Different booths came from the different majors (Finance, Marketing, and Human Resource) who offers goods and food to the students, essay writing contest, and Acquaintance party that was held at HED court.

As their response in school’s theme this year “Radial SIC: Empowering community, Building futures” Business Program in partnership with ROTARACT (SIC Chapter) organized feeding program to the children from Quirino. Games and seminar about the value of good Nutrition was handed by the program officers. For the Ice breaker, Joel Santiago gives tribute to the late king of pop Michael Jackson as he danced the “Billy jean” and sang “ Heal the world” together with BSBA Students and the children.

The main goal of the activities was to enhance the potential of BSBA students in their respective fields, inculcate camaraderie, and develop their sensitivity to the needy.

By: Precious Macabasag

NSTP 102 joins Water Safety and Rescue Preparedness at Rescue 177

National Service Training Program (NSTP-CWTS) students’ perform a “Water safety and Rescue preparedness” last August 02, 2009. Part of the training includes (1) introduction to water safety preparedness, (2) water emergency rescue and transfer, (3) advanced emergency rescue and transfer and (4) High angle rescue with rappelling. The training was held at Rescue 177 Training Center at Valenzuela, Metro Manila.

The students who join the training was enrolled in NSTP 102 class of Mr. Bert Sencida( NSTP Coordinator) and Mr. Ricky Pasupil. The students were’ properly guided by Rescuers from Rescue 177 and their respective advisers. The aim of the training is to develop the civic consciousness and public involvement of the Isabelans, encourage their sense of responsibility during times of calamities, appreciate learning and working with fellow youth, and to gain functional knowledge and skills with water emergency situations.

By: Precious Macabasag

The Inspiration beyond our Aspiration

St. Justin de Jacobis

Justin was born at San Fele, Italy on October 9th. He was taken to Naples when a child by his parents, joined the Vincentians when 18, and was ordained. After helping found a Vincentian house at Monopoly, he served as superior at Lecce and in 1839 was sent as the first prefect and vicar apostolic to the new Catholic mission at Adua, Ethiopia. His efforts to evangelize met with great opposition, but in 1841 he was included in a delegation of Ethiopian prelates to Cairo to request the Coptic patriarch of Alexandria to appoint one of his monks Abuna (patriarch) of the Ethiopian church. In Cairo, the patriarch denounced the presence of Father de Jacobis on the delegation and intrigued to a point one Salama as Abuna. Some of the delegation then accompanied Father de Jacobis to meet the Pope in Rome. On his return, Father de Jacobis founded a college and seminary at Guala, and in 1846 a vicariate apostolic of the Galla was established, with William Massaia as its first bishop. These developments caused Salama to launch an anti-Catholic campaign. The college was closed, Catholicism was proscribed, and bishop Massaia was forced to return to Aidan. In 1848, he secretly consecrated Father de Jacobis, now a fugitive, bishop at Massawa, with authority to administer the sacraments in the Ethiopian rite. By 1853, the new bishop had ordained some twenty Ethiopians, was ministering to 5000 Catholics, and was able to reopen the college. In 1860, Kedaref Kassa became king as Theodore II and in return for the backing he had received from Abuna Salama, launched a persecution of the Catholics. Bishop de Jacobis was arrested and after several month's imprisonment was released and managed to find his way to Halai in southern Eritrea. He spent the rest of his life in missionary work along the Red Sea coast and died in the valley of Alghedien on July 31 of fever he contracted while on a missionary trip. He was canonized by Pope Paul VI in 1975. His feast day is July 31.

Products of our Students

In Business Management Program Feast Day, Our students made a booth to sell their own products.

Here are the some products that are available for sale:



Cool Water


Glutathione Lotion


Glutathione Soap


Health 3 in 1 Coffee


Prime Juice

For Order, Please contact:

King de Luna - 09216107436
Lala Sibulo - 09351800659

Line up of Faculty in College of Business Administration

The students of Santa Isabel College especially in College of Business Administration are proud to say that our professors are excellent, skillful & expert in terms of teaching their specialty subjects.

Here are the lists of our good professors:

Ms. Ruth Socorro Agor, MBA
Acting Chairperson - College of Business Administration


Undergraduate: De La Salle University - BS Applied Economics
De La Salle University - Teacher Certificate Program (Licensed)

Master Degree: De La Salle University - Master in Business Administration

Doctorate Degree: Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Candidate Doctor in Business Administration

Ms. Remedios Magbanua, MBA
Professor - College of Business Administration


Undergraduate: Philippine Women University - BSBA major in Secretarial Management

Master Degree: Philippine Christian University - Master in Business Administration

Master Degree: Colegio de la Immaculada Concepcion de la Concordia - MA in Education Technology

Mr. Eriberto S. Sencida, MBA
Professor - College of Business Administration


Undergraduate: Colegio de San Jose - BS in Commerce (Philippine Council of Management Awardee)

Master Degree: International Academy of Management & Economics - Master in Business Administration

Part Timers:

Mr. William Baltazar, CPA, MBA
Chairperson - College of Accountancy


Undergraduate: University of Cordillera - BS in Commerce major in Accountancy

Master Degree: DLSU (1 year) & Jose Rizal University - Master in Business Administration

Master Degree: Colegio de la Immaculada Concepcion de la Concordia - MA in Educational Technology

Mr. Billy Paculanang, MBA
Professor - College of Business Administration


Undergraduate: Philippine Christian University - BS in Business Administration

Master Degree: Philippine Christian University - Master in Business Administration

Master Degree: Philippine Christian University - Master in Management

Ms. Mariel Carag, MBA
Professor - College of Business Administration


Undergraduate: BS in Secondary Education

Undergraduate: Colegio de la Immaculada Concepcion de la Concordia - BS in Commerce major in Marketing Management

Master Degree: Adamson University - Master in Business Administration

College of Business Administration


The Business Administration program provides prospective ISABELAN graduates strong foundation on critical awareness and development empirical consciousness of the nature, growth and development of business, trade and industry in the Philippine context and in the light of the present socio-economic conditions. It also provides formation on the Christian and Vincentian values that will imbue with the spirit of justice, compassion and social responsibility.

It aims to develop:

a. The Isabelan's total commitment to justice; to endeavor in an accepted manner; and to attain valid end, that is, to get reasonable return of investment.

b. Transparency and co-responsibility in shaping the business world by promoting harmony within and among individuals producing variable results, e.g., trade efficiency and effective market strategies.

c. The fullest development of the human potentials, skills and abilities in the following field; Human Resource Management
, Financial Management and Marketing Management.

d. Isabel professionals who radiate impeccable Christian witnessing in offices and different communities.

Courses Offered:

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Human Resource Management

The College of Business Administration major in Human Resource Management prepares graduates to handle corporate supervisory and managerial position. It exposes students in the different tasks of human resource departments of the different companies. The tie-up with the Philippine Council of Management Association of the Philippines give students through exposure and training. It enhances students skills and potentials that will prepare them to handle the demands of the tasks of human resource department.

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Financial Management

The College of Business Administration equipped students the necessary skills and potentials so that they will be able to answer the needs of the financial institutions industry.
As the students are trained to work in theses financial institutions, it fives them the oppotunity to learn supervisory and managerial skills. The established linkages and tie-ups with the leading financial institutions are venues for the students to be prepared to face the demands of the work in the business world.

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

The program is designed to develop students for entrepreneurial or corporate work in marketing.

The students are taught the theories and concepts in the classroom, and then they are given training on the practical aspects of the various areas of marketing by attending seminars on marketing related topics by exposure to actual work situations through assignments in organizations either for profit or non - profit.